Wednesday Morning Reads – 2/25/15

Good morning.  Yellen remains a top trend on twitter, guess there isn't much else to talk about this morning..... which is probably a good thing.  No terrorist attacks, no savage ISIS murders, no Russian military advances, no Ebola outbreaks.  Life is good.

and in case you missed Yellen's remarks yesterday, this image about sums it up:


Here is what I am reading this morning:

Stock Futures Little Changed

Greece Lightning

Nasdaq Needs another 43%...

Dangerously Complacent

Greece Do the Irish Jig

Clever Robots

Path to Higher Rates

I Have a Higher Calling

Greece Says Pay Up

Illegal Alien To Pro Trader

Known to most as Uranium Pinto Beans, Jason has more than 15 years under his belt of trading stocks, options and currencies. His expertise primarily lies in chart analysis, and he has a strong eye for undervalued stock. Because he’s got the ability to identify great risk/reward trades he usually enjoys taking the path less traveled and reaping the benefits from the adventure.

He is a co-founder of Option Millionaires, and he is best known for his weekly webinars with Scott, as well as his high level training webinars and charts found in the forums.

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