
A full archive of all live events including each Week Ahead webinar. Please see the respective community groups for these events to keep up-to-date on live events.

The Week Ahead With UPB

Another exciting week has come to an end on a sour note for the bulls. The DJIA was down over 200 points. AAPL was clobbered throughout the session, GOOG plummeted after their earnings miss and release gaffe. CMG posted another dramatic decline post earnings.

What are we going to see next week?

Tune in to my live Webinar "The Week Ahead With UPB". It starts at 10:30pm est and runs about an hour.

I will cover all the big earnings reporters and tell you where I think they will go post earnings. Charts, economic data, and Q&A if we have the time.

I will post the link to the webinar 30 minutes prior in the chat room and at the link below:

The Week Ahead with UPB and JB – Webinar Registration Link

Hope to see you there.