All posts by jimmybob

Position Update 4-30-14

Here are the up-to-date positions as of the close today. The tracker does not account for commissions, and is more a tool for folks to see trades at a quick glance, instead of searching the private twitter feed or chatroom history.

I always tell folks, that the OM site, chatroom,  twitter feed, and Webinars are tools in an investors trading tool belt. If you are a trader, and all you do is follow someone blindly, you may have spurts of success, but eventually you will fail. Use all the information and tools at your disposal, have a plan/strategy, and work hard everyday perfecting it. Hope the twitter feed and this tracker can be a part of your success. I will try in the future to try and incorporate some comments on the open positions so folks can have a better idea of whats going on in my head on a certain trade.  And again, appreciate any feedback on the tracker(shoot email)

Thanks! JB

Tracker 4-30-14