Tag Archives: spy

Tuesday Morning Market Video – $JPM $AAPL $GOOGL $GDX $FCX $GLD $BIDU

U.S. stocks were poised for a slightly lower open Tuesday, a day after the Nasdaq Composite rose above 5000 for the first time in nearly 15 years.

Dow Jones Industrial Average futures slipped 27 points, or 0.2%, to 18221. S&P 500 futures fell four points, or 0.2%, to 2109, and Nasdaq-100 futures declined six points, or 0.1%, to 4471.

Here is Tuesdays Morning Market Video -


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Tuesday Morning Market Video – $SPY $QQQ $GOOGL $AAPL $FEYE $TWTR $SPG $BXP

Tuesday Morning Market Video - $SPY $QQQ $GOOGL $AAPL $FEYE $TWTR $SPG $BXP

You thought a long weekend would put an end to this Greek-standoff stuff? Think again.

Talks between Greece and eurozone finance ministers on Monday night lasted barely two hours, according to some reports. Sticking to his guns, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said his country wants a deal, but with concessions. He also said negotiators don't have "the right to play games with the future of Europe," and that a halfway meeting point may emerge during the next couple of days.

We'll see. Let's just hope he doesn't get his Burberry scarf caught on the door handle before the proverbial car goes off the cliff.

Todays morning market video:

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