General Options Blog



What a week! I sent out that VXX $19 put play to those signed up to the text alerts on Tuesday. VXX $19 puts were at $.52. They closed at $1.19 today and VXX plunged further after hours going under $18. It looks like a great  text alert from yours truly. 100%+ gain? Booooo yAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Sign up for those text alerts, and be sure to dabble only with money you feel comfortable using to start a camp fire. Stock options are not for the faint of heart, but as we've seen this week, you can make a pile of cash in a short period of time.

Before I get to the gameplan classes will be starting up in earnest shortly. For those of you signed up for classes let us know the best day and time. I plan on running a class on Sunday nights. It will start with a beginner class and go to my strategies, how I read charts, etc.

On to tomorrow's gameplan:


Option Millionaires End of Day Recap


Last night had you read the Option Millionaires Game Plan you would have been better prepared for today.  What did I think today would bring?  This is a snippet from last night:


"Tomorrow… what do we see for tomorrow? I think this bounce continues. I am a big bear. I hate the bulls. I think we are screwed long term. But I also think the Central Banks can ill afford to let this house of cards collapse right here. Futures are up .35% as I write. I think EUROPE will open higher and that will only bolster stock futures.

We will look for flat or beaten down names like we did today."

Once again the bears needed the vasoline.  Today was almost a perfect inverse of Tuesday's 200 pt down day.  We started off slow, but launched higher and didn't stop until we had soared some 181 pts on the DOW.

It was a stellar day in the Option Millionaires chat room.

I entered two positions early on and posted both my entries and exits in the chat room for all to see.

With AMZN at $185.85 I bought 6 $190 calls  at $.60

With AAPL at $621 and change I bought 10 of the $640 calls at $.68.  This is a shot I took of these positions a few minutes after I bought them.  I sold out about 25 minutes later on each with an over 150% gain on each position.



Those AMZN $190 calls hit $3.25 from my $.60 entry.

Those AAPL $640 calls hit $1.62 from my .68 entry.

That was just the start of the fun as I had many call positions from earlier this week.  I purchased the FCX $36 calls for $.50 near the end of the day yesterday, which I also posted in the chat room.  They hit a high of $2.04 today.

There was some groaning when I posted my purchase of GDX $47 calls yesterday in the early afternoon as it did not react nicely to call holders.  My $.50 entry looked quite better later today when GDX hit $1.35.  Trust me... I am not perfect and GDX looked like shit after I bought those calls, but I don't buy something if I think I am going to lose money on it.

I posted all week about SLV, even featuring Silver on the blog Monday night.  The $31 calls were the play, and I was positioned perfectly for a move higher.  Those SLV calls came through posting a high of $.66.  These were priced as low as $.14 yesterday and because I trade with money I know I may lose (due to my out of the money option strategy) I don't panic.  This paid off to perfection today as I also hit paydirt with my CAT calls.

I was buying CAT $105 calls on Tuesday and watched my trade turn south in a hurry.  CAT fell under $100 on Wednesday and my $.60 - $.80 CAT calls fell to the $.10's.  Today my patience paid off as those calls closed at $1.90.  Call it luck.... but when you know what your up against in this market its a lot easier to hold onto an option.  It also helps to be confident in yourself, the way you trade, and knowing that you have a strategy heading into the day.

For good measure I posted the MOS $50 calls yesterday at $.52 - $.60 they hit over $1.41 today.

Yesterday FSLR, today.... everything else.  I know I am not the only one who had another wonderful day.  A wonderful day of 1-2% in the stock market is really a glorious day for us option traders.

LNKD was up over 8% at times and a few in the chat room banked some serious coin there.  It was an easy day today if you bought or had calls.  If you were swayed by the media, analysts, friends, traders calling for further declines this week, you are following the wrong people.  Since your reading this now I know you've finally found the right place.

FSLR A Prime Example Of Why You Come To Option Millionaires

On Monday Night, with FSLR sitting at its worse price per share in its history and the shorts salivating at further declines I called for a bounce.  I even put my money where my mouth is and bought the $22 and $23 calls.

I wrote:

That circle in the chart is the price when I wrote about FLSR on Monday.



To put the call I made on Monday in perspective, the $22 calls were at $.19 and the $23 calls were at $.10 for FSLR.

Today those $23 calls hit $1.21.   $.10 to $1.21 over a 1,000% gain.  $100 into $1,210

The $22 calls hit $2.03 today from $.19, a ten bagger as well.  $190 into $2,003

There was ample time to get these calls yesterday after the open at $.10 and $.19, as the FSLR shorts tried to take the stock under $20 twice but failed.  We, however, succeeded and locked in some huge profits on FSLR.  I even bought the $21 calls for good measure yesterday and posted in the chat room.  I bought 10 for a price of $.37.    Today those calls hit $2.88 for a huge profit.  An initial $370 buy ( I don't buy more than $500 in an OTM call/put) to $2,880.  Not bad for doing nothing but following your own instinct.  I hope you followed as well.  If not maybe next time.


April 12th Option Millionaires Game Plan



What a day today. The first hour of each session offers such great buying and selling chances.

I was loaded on the FSLR calls from Monday and Friday… they did not let me down. Even those $21 calls I posted yesterday in the chat at $.37 were amazing hitting a high of $2.88 from $.37. Yes I bought 10, so $370 into $2,888!!! You can see how my little dab strategy works.


READ THE REST HERE (Subscribers Only) ...........



April 11th Option Millionaires Game Plan



What a wicked day for the bulls. Mind you I am not a bull. I think the we are all screwed long term because of the games the FED continues to play. But since 2008/2009 QE and ZIRP make it tough to be a bear. Every dip gets bought and while the pull backs have been sharp the rallies have been slow and frustrating.

We bears endured an awful rally from just before Christmas to the middle of last week. Stocks seemed impervious to downside. The FED and every Central bank stood at the ready to prop up any sign of weakness. The bears have been trained to get out of all put positions before the BTFD team comes and ramps the markets.... read on....................................