Morning Chart Thoughts

With the Jobs Report out of the way, all thats left is Powell at 12:30pm.  Yellen, Bernancke.... I'd be less concerned, however who knows what Powell has up his sleeve.

With such a bullish break on SPY yesterday and some nice action this morning, Powell could easily fumble the ball at the 1 yard line for the bulls.

With that being said, I'm looking out with the assumption... yes and I know what happens when you assume, but lets assume Powell doesnt nuclear bomb the hurricane rally, and prices continue to deft almost everyone, except the machines and share buyback programs, ans continue higher.

I still like the $SQ here off support and for another test around $84.

Also $AMZN looks ready to break back into $1900 and then new all time record highs?

How about $SNAP with some bullish call action and a chart that looks like it wants to bring back the $18s?

oh... and some $WWE..... body slamming its way back over $80 in the short term?  What do you think about that Elizabeth?

Twitter also bullish call action.

And of course the financials.  This market will have a tough time moving higher without them.

Known to most as Uranium Pinto Beans, Jason has more than 15 years under his belt of trading stocks, options and currencies. His expertise primarily lies in chart analysis, and he has a strong eye for undervalued stock. Because he’s got the ability to identify great risk/reward trades he usually enjoys taking the path less traveled and reaping the benefits from the adventure.

He is a co-founder of Option Millionaires, and he is best known for his weekly webinars with Scott, as well as his high level training webinars and charts found in the forums.

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