Charting Options for Chat

Charting Options for Chat

How to use the chart bot in chat....




charting option offers not just charts, but also news and other features.

To get the latest 3 news headlines - type: !news (stockticker)

!news GOOGL

will give you the latest 3 google news headlines.

For charting there are 7 different types of charts available.

All of these charts can summon charts by simply typing

!C1  (and the stock ticker) or !C2 (and the stock ticker) all the way up to !C7(and the stock ticker)

Each chart has specific commands.  That information is below.  There are other features and options that we will add in the future.  If you have any issues, questions, or problems feel free to reach out in the chat room.  Thank you!

Chart 1


!c1 GOOG
!c1 GOOG t=c
!c1 GOOG t=c p=3m
!c1 GOOG t=c p=3m l=vr
!c1 GOOG t=c p=3m l=vr c=FB,YHOO

Supported Chart Types

t=c (candle chart , default)
t=m (mountain chart )
t=o (OHLC chart )
t=h (HLC chart )
t=b (bar chart )
t=hp (hide price)

Chart Period

p=1d (Valid values include 1d, 2d, 5d, 10d, 1m, 2m, 3m, 6m, ytd, 1y, 2y, 3y, 4y, 5y, all. Default is 1d)

Chart Interval (1 minute for periods of less than 1 month, daily for 1 month and longer periods)

Lower Indicators

l=r (Supported values include v for volume, r for RSI and m for MACD. Multiple values supported. Default is v for volume.)

Moving Average

m=50 (Number of days for moving average)

Symbols to Compare

c=symbol(s) (Comma separated list of symbols to compare)


b=background (Supported values include d for default, bg for black grids, bw for blue & white, b for black, g for globe, gp for graph paper and blue for blue for blue)

Chart 2

!c2 GOOG
!c2 GOOG t=c
!c2 GOOG t=c i=5m
!c2 GOOG t=c i=d m=y
!c2 EURUSD t=fx i=d
!c2 OIL t=fu i=d

t=l (line chart)
t=c (candle chart)
t=fx (candle chart, currency pairs, see notes below for supported symbols)
t=fu (candle chart, futures, see notes below for supported symbols)

Default chart type: Candlestick

Chart Period (automatically determined based on interval below)

Chart Interval (frequency of data on horizontal access)

i=5m (For stocks can be 3m, 5m or 15m, for currency pairs and futures only 5m)
i=d or day or daily (1 day, default)
i=w or week or weekly (Weekly)
i=m or month or monthly (Monthly)

Moving Averages

m=y (y for yes, daily interval only, default is n for no, only for stocks)



!c3 GOOG
!c3 GOOG p=1m
!c3 GOOG p=1y
!c3 GOOG p=ytd

Chart Periods

p=1m (# of months, 1 can be any number between 1-12)
p=1y (# years, 1 can be any number between 1-10)
p=ytd (year to date)




!c4 GOOG
!c4 GOOG t=l
!c4 GOOG t=l i=w

t=l (line chart)
t=c (candle chart)
t=i (candle Ichimoku Cloud)
t=if (candle Full Ichimoku Cloud)

Chart Period (automatically determined based on interval below)

Chart Interval (frequency of data on horizontal access)

i=d (1 day)
i=w (1 week)



!c5 GOOG
!c5 GOOG t=l
!c5 GOOG t=l p=5d

t=c (candle chart)
t=l (line chart)
t=m (mountain chart)
t=b (bar chart)
t=o (OHLC chart)

Chart Period

p=1d (Suported values include 1d, 5d, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, 2y. Default is 1d. Period of 1d only supports mountain type chart.)

Lower Indicators

l=v (Supported values include one of v for volume, r for RSI and m for MACD. Default is v for volume.)

Moving Average

m=50 (Supported values include one of 20, 50, 200)

Chart 6

Brings up a tradeview chart link - which is essentially what our C chart bot does.


Chart 7


!c7 GOOG
!c7 GOOG t=w
!c7 GOOG t=w p=30
!c7 GOOG t=w p=30 i=30
!c7 GOOG t=w p=30 i=30 c=FB
!c7 GOOG t=w p=30 i=30 c=FB m=50
!c7 GOOG t=w p=30 i=30 c=FB m=50 l=RSI,MACD

t=c (candlestick chart)
t=cl (closing price chart)
t=m (median price chart)
t=o (OHLC chart)
t=t (typical price chart)
t=w (weight close chart)

Chart Period

p=1 (Supported values include 1 to 10000 which are number of days. 365=1year, 720=2 years, 1095=3 years, Default is 1)

Chart Interval

i=5 (For periods up to 1 month, supported values are 1-60 minutes or d for daily. For longer periods use d, w, m for day, week or month. Default is 5 minutes.)

Symbol To Compare

c=symbol (symbol can be any one symbol.)

Simple Moving Average

m=50 (separate up to two values with a comma, if a line is not drawn try decreasing number)

Signal & Sentiment

ss=value (replace value with 1 for on or 0 for off, default is 0)

Price Band

b=priceBand (priceBand can be one of the following, case insensitive. Appears within the chart)

BB (Bollinger Band)
DC (DonChain Channel)
E (Envelope SMA 20 +/- 10%)

Lower Indicators

l=lowerIndicator (lowerIndicator can be up to three of following, case insensitive. Separate multiple indicators with a comma. Parameter letter is an l for lower not an i. Indicators appear below chart.)

AccDist (Accumulation/Distribution)
AroonOsc (Aroon Oscillator)
Aroon (Aroon Up/Down)
ADX (Avg Directional Index)
ATR (Avg True Range)
BBW (Bollinger Band Width)
CMF (Chaikin Money Flow)
COscillator (Chaikin Oscillator)
CVolatility (Chaikin Volatility)
CLV (Close Location Value)
CCI (Commodity Channel Index)
DPO (Detrended Price Osc)
DCW (Donchian Channel Width)
EMV (Ease of Movement)
FStoch (Fast Stochastic)
MDX (Mass Index)
Momentum (Momentum)
MFI (Money Flow Index)
NVI (Neg Volume Index)
OBV (On Balance Volume)
Performance (Performance)
PPO (% Price Oscillator)
PVO (% Volume Oscillator)
PVI (Pos Volume Index)
PVT (Price Volume Trend)
ROC (Rate of Change)
SStoch (Slow Stochastic)
StochRSI (StochRSI)
UO (Ultimate Oscillator)
Vol (Volume)
WilliamR (William's %R)

Known to most as Uranium Pinto Beans, Jason has more than 15 years under his belt of trading stocks, options and currencies. His expertise primarily lies in chart analysis, and he has a strong eye for undervalued stock. Because he’s got the ability to identify great risk/reward trades he usually enjoys taking the path less traveled and reaping the benefits from the adventure.

He is a co-founder of Option Millionaires, and he is best known for his weekly webinars with Scott, as well as his high level training webinars and charts found in the forums.

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