General Options Blog

I’m Selling and Going Straight to Crash

The script for 2015 has yet to change.  Stocks gyrate around intra-day, intra-week, before hitting fresh record highs.  The market then proceeds to pull back, eliciting the "here it is" type reaction in reference to the much awaited market correction.  The bears draw all sorts of nasty red arrows... and state the crash of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014... oh wait this is 2015...... the crash of 2015 that they forecasted  is finally coming to fruition.  We are mere mortals in the face of these market Gods.  Let us bow to their endless crash calls.

What a terribly wonderful chart by Jon Boorman.  In one picture you see just how wrong some of these pundits are.  Every year they call for a crash and every year when it doesn't happen they just move the date forward... as if their previous crash call never even happened.

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