Thursday Morning Reads – ‘There Were No Bonds Bought in the Making of This Article’ Edition – 10-30-14

QE as we've come to know it is done.  It's over.  The FED has stopped its massive bond buying scheme.  Of course we've heard this before after QE1 and QE2... but perhaps this time its different.  I'll cover that in a future article.  For now it's time to get our nose covered in digital ink.

Here is what I am reading this morning.

Mila is the best investor of our time

Reform this


How QE worked in the first place

Greece is back

German unemployment declines

How to give Japan a second wind

Consumer coming back in a big way?

Post financial crisis there are twice as many billionaires

R.I.P.  QE


Known to most as Uranium Pinto Beans, Jason has more than 15 years under his belt of trading stocks, options and currencies. His expertise primarily lies in chart analysis, and he has a strong eye for undervalued stock. Because he’s got the ability to identify great risk/reward trades he usually enjoys taking the path less traveled and reaping the benefits from the adventure.

He is a co-founder of Option Millionaires, and he is best known for his weekly webinars with Scott, as well as his high level training webinars and charts found in the forums.

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